Harm Reduction

“Harm Reduction” – it’s one of those words I’ve heard tossed around but never really understood the full concept of what it means. 

I’m learning that the idea of harm reduction is to do whatever small things you can to help someone who is struggling.  It may not be the ideal final solution but every little thing that helps their current situation is a positive thing.  It’s about meeting them where they are at, at this exact moment, and doing whatever you can to help minimize harm. 

It might be giving clean needles and a safe place to inject drugs to someone struggling with addiction.  Yes, ideally there is a rehab option available and they are ready to accept help, but *right now* you can make sure they don’t use an infected needle and also have someone nearby in case of overdose.  Minimizing harm now increases their future chances.

Or maybe it’s pulling your teen out of mainstream school because it’s just not the right fit for them anymore.  Yes, education is important, but right now, it’s more important they feel heard and are removed from an environment that is causing harm to their mental health.  

Or maybe it’s as simple as feeding your child nuggets – again- because that’s the safe familiar food they can eat when their body feels out of sync.  Yes, of course you’d rather they eat a variety of veggies and healthy foods, but right now, they need to eat something or they will feel even worse.  Which then affects their sleep, and in turn, makes them feel worse tomorrow.

It’s made me see things in a new light.  To maybe ease a little of the mom-guilt I find myself carrying so often.  To let go of these unrealistic ideals of what I’m “supposed” to do as a parent, and instead accept the reality that is in front of me right now.  Every little thing we do makes a difference and adds up over time.  It really does matter.