Third Place

One of the reasons the show Cheers was so profoundly popular in the 1980s was because generations of Americans were mourning, whether they realized it or not, both the death of (and the crass capitalization of) the third place.

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Harm Reduction

“Harm Reduction” – it’s one of those words I’ve heard tossed around but never really understood the full concept of what it means. 

I’m learning that the idea of harm reduction is to do whatever small things you can to help someone who is struggling.  It may not be the ideal final solution but every little thing that helps their current situation is a positive thing.  It’s about meeting them where they are at, at this exact moment, and doing whatever you can to help minimize harm.

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Square Pegs

When I was an extremely awkward teen in 1982, there was a TV show called “Square Pegs”.  The lead role was played by Sarah Jessica Parker and it was about two high school girls that absolutely did not fit in.

The show snapped into crystal clarity something I had been aware of but could never articulate in any meaningful way up until then.  Like the characters in the show, I was a square peg in a world of round holes. 

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